Wednesday, June 13, 2012

06-13-12 Classifieds


THE WOMEN'S RESOURCE/Community Support Center offers a 24/7 helpline for use by the public. Confidential information and help is available concerning domestic violence, elder abuse, and concerns that can be facilitated by a trained advocate. Call 1(800) 253-9811 or (406)683-3621 anytime for assistance. 20/tf/nc

GUN SHOW Salmon, Idaho, Sacajawea Center. June 16-17. Tables & Info call 208-865-2648. 24/1/pd


LOST CAT: Reward! Sunday May 6, 200 block N Chestnut. Female dilute calico short hair, green flea collar. Call or text 498-8220. 19/tf/nc

YELLOW LABRADOR RETRIEVERS, AKC registered. The puppies you have been waiting for, references available. Top blood lines, excellent hunters. Advertised only once. Hurry, call 406-683-5195. 24/1/pd


LOST CANON digital camera. Reward. Lost between Polaris & Bannack May 18. Need SD card. 406-360-0693. 24/1/nc

HELP WANTED: part/full time carpentry/handyman. Nonsmoking. Call 683-5592. 23/3/c


FOR SALE Pink & white Schwinn scooter. Like new! $850. Call 683-6155 after 5:00 p.m. leave message if no answer. 23/3/pd

QUEEN BOX SPRING 9" thick, great condition. Couldn't get it up the stairs. $45. 988-0192. 24/1/nc


ANY OLD 4-H MEMORABILIA such as photographs, scrapbooks, manuals, club minutes, charters, and any old 4-H things you might have. We need them for our fair project about the 100th anniversary of Montana 4-H. We will return anything and everything borrowed. Call Tim at 925-2303 or Ransom at 683-6269. Please help us celebrate 100 years of 4-H in Montana! 24/1/pd


MOVING SALE: 130 W. Park, Sat., June 16, 8:30 a.m. - ?  Misc. household, lawn care, women’s clothing size S/M, lots of picture frames, much more. 24/1/

YARD SALE: Saturday June 16, 29 Skihi St, 8:00 - 12:00 noon. 2 older snowmobiles, 1999 Dodge Durango and other great items. 24/1/pd

CHURCH YARD SALE: Prairie Bible Church, 1030 E Sebree, seven blocks behind Catholic Church. Sat June 16, 8-2. Youth raising funds for retreat. 24/1/pd

YARD SALE:  June 16, 8 am - ?, 10 N Wyoming. Wood stove, Kirby vacuum, refrigerator, clothing, shoes, books, kitchen items. 24/1/pd

GARAGE SALE: Many hard back old books, furniture, linens, lots of smalls, old jewelry, old silverware, primitives, & much more. Fri, Sat, & Sun 9-6. 317 S Idaho. 24/1/pd

GARAGE SALE: 1750 Laknar Lane, Sat June 16, 9-4, Lots of stuff. 24/1/c

GARAGE SALE: 7 Cloudrest, in alley in garage. Sat June 16, 9-2. Desk, floor lamp, 2 vacuums, landscaping rake, wood stove, guitar w/ case, much much more. 24/1/


1977 CAVEMAN 11' truck camper everything works but heater. Bathroom with shower good condition. $1,800 OBO call 425-903-2573. 21/4/pd


AMERICA’S HOST. The professional way to dry clean carpets yourself. Rent the Host Machine, The Dilmart, 31 S. Idaho, Dillon, MT, 683-4321. 13-tf-c-tt


SMALL 2 BDRM trailer, n/s, n/p, storage shed. 683-4956. 2/tf/c

FOR RENT  IN SHERIDAN new 3 bdrm apt, $650/month, you'll love it. 1 bdrm apt $375/month, all appliances. Call 842-5319. 18/tf/c

ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS for large 2 bdrm apartment. No smoking, no pets. Small deposit and references required. $500/month. Call 683-2446. 19/3/pd

AVAILABLE FOR immediate occupancy: upstairs apartment, Dillon business district. $450/month. First & last month's rent, plus $250 damage deposit. Includes utilities, washer & dryer on premises. No pets, no smoking. Inquire at Dillon Tribune, 22 S Montana St., 683-2331. 17/tf/nc

NICE UPSTAIRS 2 bdrm apt. Refrigerator, stove, washer, dryer. Deposit required. No pets, no smoking. Call 683-5398 or 660-0250. 21/tf/c

ONE BDRM APT close to college, no pets, no smoking, most utilities paid. Call 683-2690. 21/tf/c

BEAUTIFUL CABIN in ranch setting, 5 min from town. Clean, comfortable, furnished, NS, NP, includes W/D, wifi, satellite TV. Nightly or weekly available. 406-683-6704. 22/tf/c

SMALL CABIN, open design, stove, refrigerator, shed. Clean. $395 plus deposit. No smoking, no large dogs. 683-2928. 23/tf/c

LARGE 1 BDRM apr for rent. Located above IGA, $400/mo, $200 deposit, no smoking, no pets. 660-5403 23/3/c

LARGE 1 BDRM upstairs duplex. New carpet, new kitchen floor, new paint. Water, sewer, garbage paid. No pets, no smoking. $450 call 683-4005 23/tf/c


TWO CLEARANCE HOMES at great prices. Use your land as a down payment. Clayton Homes 208-542-5333. 22/3/pd

LOT HIDILAND STREET Improvement, complete, large size $35,500. Lot Comet Ridge Improvement, complete, panoramic views $99,500. Call 683-4001 leave message. 24/3/pd