Wednesday, October 12, 2011

10-12-11 Classified Ads



THE WOMEN'S RESOURCE/Community Support Center offers a 24/7 helpline for use by the public. Confidential information and help is available concerning domestic violence, elder abuse, and concerns that can be facilitated by a trained advocate. Call 1(800) 253-9811 or (406)683-3621 anytime for assistance. 20/tf/nc


P.T. ASSISTANT Manager, Beaverhead Villa, 400 N. Idaho St. Approx 20 hours per week. Required skills include computer, accounting, strong interpersonal communications. Send or fax (683-4699) resume to the Villa, or call for an application/information at 683-6428. 41/3/c


HONEST HARDWORKING MAN seeks full time ranch position, experienced calving, haying, irrigating, all around ranch work, can operate all equipment, cowboying. Please call anytime. 406-274-1317. 41/1/nc


FOR SALE IN DILLON 1999 Oldsmobile Silhouette Van, Pale gold color, 107,500 miles, tan leather interior, good condition, power door, well-maintained, chrome wheels. $3,300 Cell (801)360-3859. 39/3/pd


AMERICA’S HOST. The professional way to dry clean carpets yourself. Rent the Host Machine, The Dilmart, 31 S. Idaho, Dillon, MT, 683-4321. 13-tf-c-tt

CONSTRUCTION, FENCING, Landscaping, and horse boarding available. Call 683-6815 10/43/pd

SPOT LABOR HANDYMAN, hauling, carpentry, fence repairs, cleanup, odd jobs. Hourly, daily or weekly. David 660-0955 39/3/pd


FOR RENT: 12'x12' storage unit. Call 596-9824 or 683-5398. 33/tf/c


2 BDRM, fireplace, 1 car garage and carport. No pets, no smoking. Available Oct. 5th. $650/mo. Call for appointment 683-9603. 39/3/pd

1 BEDROOM, fully furnished house in Sheridan. Includes internet, water, sewer. Available December through May. No smoking. Pets negotiable. $400 month plus electric. 406-596-5035. 41/3/pd

FOR RENT: Nearly new home, can be 3 bdrm, with 2 baths, refrig, stove, no smoking, has extra large attached garage. $900/mo references required. 683-5398 or 660-0250. 41/tf/c

RENTER NEEDED Roommate wanted to share 4 bdrm house at Clark Canyon Res. $300/mo plus shared utilities. No pets. One horse ok. 240-1381 or 864-0059. 41/3/pd