THE WOMEN'S RESOURCE/Community Support Center offers a 24/7 helpline for use by the public. Confidential information and help is available concerning domestic violence, elder abuse, and concerns that can be facilitated by a trained advocate. Call 1(800) 253-9811 or (406)683-3621 anytime for assistance. 20/tf/nc
WAITRESS NEEDED part time for Pit Crew BBQ. 565-7687. 10/1/pd
WANTED: Message therapist to rent space at the Dillon Back and Neck Clinic. Inquires please call 406-683-9600. 10/3/
LOCAL BUSINESS looking for experienced cleaner to perform various cleaning tasks after hours five days per week. Please drop off letter of application, resume and references to the Dillon Job Service. 10/2/c
2 LARGE END TABLES $50, Total Gym 1000 $125, Tony Little Gazelle $30, Old wooden chair $40, 3'x4' large framed print Sergio Raffo 'Nantucket' $125 OBO 683-5334. 8/3/pd
100% WOOD HEAT, no worries. Keep your family safe and warm with an OUTDOOR WOOD FURNACE from Central Boiler. Big Sky Alternative Heat 406-266-3013. 10/1/c
AMERICA’S HOST. The professional way to dry clean carpets yourself. Rent the Host Machine, The Dilmart, 31 S. Idaho, Dillon, MT, 683-4321. 13-tf-c-tt
MAIN STREET PROFESSIONAL SERVICES. Accounts Payable/Receivable, Payroll, Reconciliation; Much More! Call (406)842-5822 for an appointment. 401 S. Main, Sheridan. "Let us relieve some of the stress from your life!" 36/tf/c
HORSEBOARDING, shoeing, fencing, backhoe work. 660-1402. 2/51/pd
STORAGE UNITS FOR RENT Various sizes, clean, priced right. Specials for 6 months or more. Call 660-0852 or 683-5398. 9/tf/c
FOR RENT IN SHERIDAN 1 bdrm apt $375/month, all appliances. Call 842-5319. 18/tf/c
1 BDRM FURNISHED APT, utilities paid. No smoking, no pets. References, deposit, lease. Call 925-1625. 51/tf/c
AVAILABLE FEB 1, 1 1/2 bedroom upstairs apt. All new flooring, garbage & water paid. No pets, no smoking. $425/month 683-4005. 4/tf/c
NICE 1 BDRM daylight basement apt. Washer/dryer hookup. No pets, no smoking. Call 683-4005. 6/tf/c
SMALL 1 BDRM COTTAGE stove, refrigerator, $410 plus deposit. No smoking, no outdoor dogs. 683-2928. 8/tf/c
RENTAL: beautiful home with horse property. 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 2 car oversized garage. Jefferson River fishing. In Twin Bridges area. Available April 1st. 842-5936 or 596-7023. 10/3/
2 BEDROOM TRAILER no pets, no smoking, storage shed. 683-4956. 10/tf/c
AVAILABLE SOON upscale two bedroom, two bath apartment with hardwood & tile floor, laundry room and walk in closets. Lease & references. No pets & no smoking. 925-1625. 10/tf/c
1 BDRM APT partly furnished, all utilities paid. N/P, N/S. $430 per mo plus clean deposit. Call 683-5058. 10/tf/c
NICE CLEAN small 1 bdrm apt. Washer, dryer, refrigerator, stove. No pets, no smoking. Call 683-5398 or 660-0250. 10/tf/c
MOBILE HOME for rent, 2 bedroom, one bath, washer/dryer, clean, recently remodeled. Large enclosed porch, deck. Deposit required. No pets, no smoking. Call 660-0852 or 683-5398. 10/tf/c