Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Obituaries 2-16-11
02-16-11 Classifieds
WARNING: Domestic violence is hazardous to your health and can be fatal. Getting out of a violent relationship greatly improves the quality of your life. Please call the Advocacy and Safe Home Program at 683-6106 for confidential information and assistance. 37/tf/nc/tt
FOUND: Park Service man Senso control claim at Alternative Bike & Board. 250 S Montana, 4-7 M-W-F. 7/1/nc
FREE WINDSHIELD BOXES, pick up at Novus Auto Glass, 1500 Hwy. 91 North, 683-2846. 30/tf/c/tt
IMMEDIATE OPENING, part time ad sales. 20-30 hours per week. Hourly base, plus commissions. Position requires energy, hard work, topnotch listening skills, outgoing personality, positive attitude, willingness to serve others, ability to learn quickly. Computer skills helpful. Reliable automobile and valid driver’s license are a must. Submit letters of application, including a complete resumé listing pertinent work experience, appropriate skills and education to: Publisher, Dillon Tribune, P.O. Box 911, Dillon, MT 59725. Materials may also be emailed to
FREE! Little Tyke's car bed and toy box if you buy Step 2 loft bed with built in desk for $350. Excellent condition. Call 660-5776. 6/2/pd
WANTED TO BUY: Good used refrigerator. Dillon Tribune. 683-2331. Ask for Dick. 7/tf
CAMPER SHELL for sale $600. Make Leer model 122 Chevy Long Bed 2004-2008. Call 865-0063. 7/1/pd.
AMERICA’S HOST. The professional way to dry clean carpets yourself. Rent the Host Machine, The Dilmart, 31 S. Idaho, Dillon, MT, 683-4321. 13-tf-c-tt
SEEKING 1 TO 2 BDRM rental house, $500 or less, for single, mature, responsible woman, prefer yard, close in to town, 406-880-2467. 6/2/cc/t
FOR RENT IN SHERIDAN: 1 bdrm apt., very nice & economical, all appliances including microwave, dishwasher, refrigerator, stove & washer/dryer. $350/month. Call (406) 842-5319. 38/tf/c/tt
FOR RENT IN SHERIDAN: 2 bedrm, 1 bath, washer, dryer, garage, and fenced yard, 842-5936. 3/tf/ctt
2 BDRM, 1 1/2 BATH trailer, Private setting, pet or horse possible. First, last, deposit. References required. Call 925-1625. 4/tf/ctt
1 BDRM APT in charming Victorian. Great location, close to campus. Clean, double pane windows, private entrance, deck, w/d, no smoking, no pets. Call for photos. $400 month. 684-5993. 5/4/pd
NICE LARGE 1 BDRM APT, ground floor, w/d, water and garbage paid. No smoking, no pets. $425 month. 683-4005. 5/tf/c
2 BDRM, 1850 SQ FT bldg in Lima. Big kitchen, huge living room with built in bar. Wood burning fireplace on 1/2 acre lot. Cost $550 a month plus deposit, you pay utilities. Call Darren 801-725-8408. 6/2/c
FOR RENT, CLEAN 2 BDRM apt. washer/dryer, refrigerator, stove, no smoking. Call 683-5398 or 208-206-9824. 6/tf/c/t
3 BDRM, 1 BATH house in Dillon, Washer/Dryer included. No smoking, no pets. Available March 1st. Please call 406-579-5382. 7/4/c
SMALL STUDIO COTTAGE. Suitable for one person. Storage shed, $375/month plus deposit. No smoking, 683-2928. 7/tf/c/t
3 BDRM, 2 BATH apartment with w/d, refrig, stove, no smoking, no pets. Call 683-5398 or 1-208-206- 9824. 7/tf/c
3 BDRM HOUSE for rent in Dillon. $675/mo plus utilities plus deposit. Available immediately. Big fenced yard, 1 car garage, no smoking, no pets, no exceptions. Call 596-0038, or 683-6421. 7/tf/c.
ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS for large 2-bedroom apartment, no smoking, no pets, small deposit, references required. $500/mo. Call 683-2446 6/3/pd
TRAILER SPACES FOR RENT. $150/month, no pets. Call 925-2228. 24/tf/c
30x40 FOOT insulated steel shop on a city lot located on. N. Pacific. $43,000. 406-925-2228. 5/tf/c/tt