Wednesday, January 25, 2012

01-25-12 Obituaries

C.W. “Red” Eudaily
1922 - 2012

Former long-term Dillon resident C.W. "Red" Eudaily died Jan. 21 at his daughter's residence in Sacramento, Calif. He was 88.
Red was reared in Illinois, and called San Jose, Calif., his home.
He was an apprentice-trained cheese maker, a retired USAF SMSgt, a grand story teller of the family, and of the world he had seen; a truly centered man.
Red transferred from his wet, cold and muddy army training camp because he had heard rumors that a more certain roof and better food was to be found in the USAF.
During the war he flew in the "heavies", seeing combat in North Africa and then in southern Europe, where he was decorated for saving his combat aircraft and crew.
Red flew an excess of missions because some 60 men of his training cadre resolved not to return from the war zone until all had done the required number of missions. Only four made it back stateside.
Subsequent duty took Red to the Korean War, the Philippines, and Japan, finally settling him at Edwards AFB as part of a team which tested aircraft, and the interface problems with man.
As any able NCO, Red cultivated relationships developed in the crucible of war and in subsequent duty rotations.
His career was cut short by choosing to become a civilian so he could look after his then teen-age, and now surviving daughter, Jeanie. She opened her home to Red the past three years, and attended him in his final days.
Interment is planned in San Jose, Calif.

01-25-12 Classified Ads


THE WOMEN'S RESOURCE/Community Support Center offers a 24/7 helpline for use by the public. Confidential information and help is available concerning domestic violence, elder abuse, and concerns that can be facilitated by a trained advocate. Call 1(800) 253-9811 or (406)683-3621 anytime for assistance. 20/tf/nc


LOST: 4 month old male Rottweiler, wearing dark multicolored collar, no tags, answering to Coors, just north of Malesich Ranch on Hwy 41. Reward offered. Call 406-596-0122, 406-842-5380 or Bvhd Co. Sheriff's Office. 4/1/nc


NEW BERNINA 215 sewing machine. Retails for $799, asking $699. Still in original carton; includes all features of this model. Call (406) 683-4708 for details. 4/3/pd


AMERICA’S HOST. The professional way to dry clean carpets yourself. Rent the Host Machine, The Dilmart, 31 S. Idaho, Dillon, MT, 683-4321. 13-tf-c-tt


FOR RENT IN SHERIDAN 1 bdrm newer apt. with all appliances plus washer & dryer. Great location $375/month. 842-5319. 45/tf/c

SMALL 2 BDRM trailer, n/s, n/p, storage shed. 683-4956. 2/tf/c

1 BDRM APT, partially furnished, all utilities included. No pets, no smoking. $430/month, $300 cleaning deposit. 683-5058. 2/tf/c

NICE LARGE I BDRM basement apt. Washer/dryer hookups, garbage paid, close to campus. No smoking, no pets. $350/mo. Call 683-4005. 3/tf/c

SMALL 1 BDRM COTTAGE, stove, refrigerator, microwave, couch. No smoking, no dogs, $410/month plus deposit. 683-2928. 4/tf/c


PROFESSIONAL OFFICE space for rent. 500 sq ft $350 per month, utilities included. 312 S. Pacific. Call Kevin 683-4254 or 596-4254. 51/tf/c


ONE ACRE one mile south of Dillon off paved road. Power, natural gas, well, 16x30 shop, mature trees, garden spot, no covenants. 406-202-0156. 4/3/pd