WARNING: Domestic violence is hazardous to your health and can be fatal. Getting out of a violent relationship greatly improves the quality of your life. Please call the Advocacy and Safe Home Program at 683-6106 for confidential information and assistance. 37/tf/nc
PUPPIES: Yellow Labrador Retrievers. AKC registered, references available in most Montana cities. Top bloodlines, excellent hunters. Advertised only once. Hurry and call. 1 (406) 683-5195. 31/1/p/tt
FREE WINDSHIELD BOXES, pick up at Novus Auto Glass, 1500 Hwy. 91 North, 683-2846. 30/tf/c/tt
YARD WORKER/S to weed several planters in large yard. Your equipment or ours. Wages & hours negotiable, DOE. Se habla espanol. 683-2567, 925-0730. 32/1/c/tt
OPENING for honest, dependable, willing worker cleaning homes. A well established company, top pay. Call Larry @ 406-596-1135. 31/3/pd/tt
HELP WANTED: Log Cabin Building, experience preferred, Silver Star, MT. Call 406-865-0000. 31/3/c/tt
UTILITY EMPLOYEE NEEDED: cook, waiter, possible bartender and some cleaning. Room and board available. Call Tom @ 406-832-3258. 30/3/p/tt
KAY DEE FEED COMPANY is seeking qualified feed dealers in southwest Montana to handle their line of high quality mineral and protein supplements. Kay Dee, in business since 1928, is headquartered in Sioux City, Iowa. For more information, phone 800-831-4815 and ask for Ken. 29/4/c/tt
FOR SALE: Storage shed, 10'x20', metal roof, in Sheridan. $2,000 OBO. Call 310-760-6763. 32/3/pd/tt
DESIGNER Angelic wedding dress, mermaid style with chapel train & veil, European size 10. Paid $1200, asking $200. Call 925-1647. 31/3/c/tt
FOR SALE: Browning custom gun safe, $800. SnapOn roll cabinet, $450. New Delta 10" table saw, $450. New 475 Gallon water tank, $300. Call 406-596-0118. 31/3/pd/tt
SPRINGFIELD HAND GUN, XDM 9mm, olive drab color, 4.5" barrel, 20 shot extra mag. included, $525. Call 291-3733 or 683-4398. 30/5/pd/tt
WANTED: Used Windows XP laptop. Please donate to the Beaverhead County Museum for use in the archives. 683-5027. 32/1/c/tt
2006 SCHWINN 50cc Scooter w/helmet. Like new, only 60 miles, $1100. See at Adventure Cycle or call 683-2720. 31/3/c/tt
AMERICA’S HOST. The professional way to dry clean carpets yourself. Rent the Host Machine, The Dilmart, 31 S. Idaho, Dillon, MT, 683-4321. 13-tf-c-tt
FOR SALE: Snowline Grazing Association. 1,750 per Au, subject upon Assoc. approval. Call 406-684-5312, ask for Lori. 24/tf/c/tt
SHEEP FOR SALE: Quality genetically sound Suffolk-Texel rams & replacement ewes. Must see to appreciate. Heavy muscled sheep that will work in any program. 683-4480 or email sunsuffolk@peoplepc.com 32/4/pd/tt
HAY FOR SALE: small 60 lb. bales, grass/alfalfa & grass. No rain. $100 per ton. Call 406-660-4344. 32/tf/c/tt
FULLY FURNISHED studio apartment, close to college, most utilities paid, no smoking, no pets. Call 683-2690. 32/tf/c/tt
FOR RENT: 1 bdrm apt. - furnished. All utilities included, close to college, no smoking, no pets. $425/mo. + $300 clean deposit. Call 683-5058. 32/tf/c/tt
3 BDRM 1 1/2 bath 16 wide mobile home on private lot. $550/mo. Call 683-3396, available soon. 32/2/c/tt
FOR RENT: Two 2-bdrm unfurnished duplex apartments. 103/107 N. Utah St. No pets. Deposit and 6 mo. lease required. Call (406) 683-6116. 31/3/c/tt
2 BDRM TRAILER, 1st, last & deposit. Washer / dryer. Call 406-723-0130 or 406-498-1857. 32/tf/c/tt
LARGE ROOMS FOR RENT: $250/month + util, free wireless, closets, storage, parking. Close to downtown + Univ. Kitchen privileges, no smoking, quiet house. Call (406) 960-4065. 32/3/pd/tt
ONE BDRM HOUSE, hardwood floors, water, garbage paid, washer/dryer hookups, $425. 683-4005. 31/tf/c/tt
TWO BDRM Trailer, room for 2 horses & 1 dog, washer/dryer, $550. 683-4005. 31/tf/c/tt
ONE BDRM APT, furnished, utilities paid, NS, NP, lease. Call 925-1625. 31/tf/c/tt
FOR RENT: 2 bdrm one bath apt. No pets, $395/mo. Call 596-2639. 31/3/c/tt
FOR RENT: Studio apt., no pets, $250/mo. Call 596-2639. 31/3/c/tt
2 BDRM TRAILER for rent in Twin Bridges. $350/mo., first, last & security deposit. No pets, ideal for single occupant, close to schools. Call 406-596-6666. 30/tf/c/tt
2 BDRM 2 BATH w/garage, sprinkler system, available Aug. 1, references required, no smoking, no pets. 412 N. Walnut. For application & appointment, phone 683-5839. 30/3/c/tt
SHERIDAN: 2 bdrm 1 bath fenced yard, garage, W/D, references. Call 842-5936. 26/tf/c/tt
BEAUTIFUL FISHING/VACATION CABIN, 2 bed, full bath & kitchen, cozy fireplace, furnished with everything you need! Nightly or weekly rental. 5 min from Dillon. www.goosedownranch.com 683-6704 19/tf/c/tt
FOR LEASE: Commercial building with 14' overhead door, 50' wide 100' long; Highway 91 North in city limits; overhead gas heat; available Sept. 1st, 2010; $525/month. Call 683-4950 or 925-1769. 32/3/pd/tt
SHOP 40'x50', $450/month. Call 683-4576 or 925-5172. 28/tf/c/tt
PROFESSIONAL OFFICE SPACE available now. Approximately 1325 SF, 312 S. Pacific. Call 683-4254 days or 683-5399 evenings. Ask for Kevin. 31/tf/c
FOR RENT IN SHERIDAN: Trailer space on private lot, $210/month. Call 842-5319. 30/3/p/tt
TRAILER SPACES FOR RENT. $150/month, no pets. Call 925-2228. 24/tf/c
FOR SALE: 1994 Nashua 26x66, 4 bdrm 2 bath, must be moved, $40,000. 1978 5th Wheel, 26 ft, needs repairs, $1,000 OBO. Call 660-0828. 31/3/p/tt
16.57 ACRES just 2 miles north of town with 15 lot approved subdivision but not recorded. Water rights included. Many possibilities. Call Shad (406) 239-1094. 19/tf/c/tt